I take a lot of pride in these works as everything from the photos to the arranged detailing is shot by me using my own Canon 2s 1s which I think is a great camera to own. Only the third one which is the cover of the folder distributed at this international conference has a photo shot earlier by Ujjal De for an entirely different assignment. Other promotional materials were also designed by me. There are other variations of the poster as well but I selected these two for their inherent contrast. The brief was just that. Great fun.
i really liked these 3 posters. Very attractive and well composed. I just have some reservations about the typo... A lot of room for improvement.
This is a real interesting project. Posters are good fun.
Of the three i'd go for the first. It comes together as a composite image.
The use of lead type makes a veru intriguing image but the scriptish typeface detracts again.
The textured paper backgroung in the last poster, with the typewriter in the front has a nice quality to it. In this one a little detail has been overlooked. In the vertical type the 'r' overlaps with some text and is very apparent. there is actually space below and if the 'r' was shifed below a tad...
'God lies in the details' Miles van der Rohe
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